FREE Chipping!
Sponsored By Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council & IEFSA

How to make your home more FIRE SAFE with FREE curbside chipping!

Simple things you can do to
make your property ready for wildfire. It's not IF, it's WHEN—
Be Prepared, Not Surprised!
Our Team
Our amazing team of first responder agencies, non-profits, volunteers and chipping professionals are committed to reducing the "fuel load" in our communities. FREE chipping is offered through a variety of entities throughout the Inland Empire. Our partners include: Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council, CAL FIRE, San Bernardino County Fire, Big Bear Fire , the City of Big Bear Lake, California Fire Foundation, California Fire Safe Council, Southern California Edison and more.
Our History
FREE chipping.org is a cooperative effort of fire safe councils in the Inland Empire, sponsored by Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council (MRFSC) and the Inland Empire Fire Safe Alliance (IEFSA).
The purpose of this site is to offer a simple way for property owners to access various chipping programs throughout the Inland Empire (and beyond!). We found that "FreeChipping.org" displayed on a banner, billboard, or poster is more likely to be remembered than a long entity website name. So this site is offered to any agency, entity or organization offering free chipping services. For more information on providing access to your program through this site, or general questions, send us a note through the Contact Us page.